Distant Learning Sessions
Art & Energy Healing
Recordings available from the dates below
Tuesday the 22nd of March (Reiki)
Thursday the 26th of May (Feather Stone)
Sunday the 19th of June (Shamanic Healing)

An opportunity to explore different energy healing modalities in combination with the intuitive art process. Each session will focus on a different theme and will incorporate some information about the energy practice experienced during the workshop.
We will start our exploration with a guided meditation, then will move into our creative practice with the support of healing sound and frequences that can help us access the gift of our creative energy. We will close our practice with a short relaxation that can support the integration of the work explored during the session.
Tuesday the 22nd of March (recordings available from this date)
During this session we will work with the energy of Reiki. We will explore the three diamonds meditation from the Reiki tradition, which includes the alignment of three major energy centres or chakras: the Hara (belly), the Heart and Third eye. Through the creative practice we will further explore our connection with these chakras and open up their gifts of manifestation for our Soul's purpose.
Thursday the 26nd of May (recordings available from this date)
In this session we will explore the practice of Feather Stone. We will deepen our connection with the Sky, the Earth, and our cosmic Heart. Our creative practice will focus on self-expression, truth and authenticity and will help us to release what is stopping us being our True Self.
Sunday the 19th of June (recordings available from this date)
During this session we will work with Shamanic Healing. We will take a step forward into our abundant nature, and will explore the gifts of our Spirit. The creative practice will also open our connection with guides and beings of nature that wish to assist our journey at this time.
Distant learning programme - Available through video & audio recordings
Art materials suggested: Acrylic paint (primary colours) or earth pigments, paintbrushes, sponges, oil pastels, material for collage (magazines, coloured paper, newspaper, PVA), natural materials, paper and pen for journaling. You can choose to explore any of the materials above within each sessions.
Exchange: £21/ £17 / £14 The sessions are offered on a sliding scale according to your financial means.
If you wish to access any of the sessions or have any question get in touch at infowellbeingstudio@gmail.com or text/phone 07556575645.