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Mandala Painting at Santosa
Join us for a relaxing evening of painting in a wonderful venue!
This workshop invites you to reconnect with your creative self, and to explore the meditative power of Mandalas. The practice of painting and colouring Mandalas helps to stabilize our inner life, and creates a calm space for the mind. The center of the Mandala is our center, and inspires us to discover our true potential.
The class includes an introduction to the acrylic painting technique, as well as some information about the world of Mandalas. No experience is required and all the materials will be provided. The canvas will be prepared with some drawing guidelines, but you will be completely in charge and free to experiment as much as you like!
This workshop is for you if you have never painted before but it is also for you if you have some painting experience and simply wish to enjoy a relaxing evening in a super inspiring venue.
Tickets are £18 and include all the materials: acrylic paints, stretched canvas 9"x12", apron, towel, and paint brushes.
Christmas Offer!
Bring a friend and get 15%off! If you come with a friend both of you will receive 15% discount on your tickets! To book your space simply email us or phone 07556575645.

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